Welcome to Restaurant Reformer

Posted in Restaurant Reformer on Jan 08, 2008

Restaurant reformer launched in early 2008 to collect information on sustainable business practices relevant to the restaurant industry. Tips and suggestions are always encouraged. Guest bloggers will probably appear from time to time.

This site is about discovering, collecting and discussing approaches to improve the long-term sustainability of a vast industry that includes everything from the corner deli to the cookie-cutter fast-food operation to the finest dining locations in the world. There’s a lot of turf to cover.

The restaurant industry is one of the most heavily-regulated industries around (at least in some countries), and as such, there may be technologies, mechanisms, or ideas that are simply impossible to implement within the regulatory regime, even if their economic merits are obvious. We pass no judgment with regard to the application of anything discussed on this site – we merely hope to illuminate some options. We hope that in time, those that are economically feasible will appear in the real world, and that the regulations will adapt to accommodate new options in time. Do what you can, with what you have…

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