Archive for the ‘2700 Greywater’

Presentation Center Welcome Center (Los Gatos, CA) [LEED-NC Gold]01.29.08

A new 10, 170 square-foot straw bale welcome center and dining facility for the Presentation Center includes a kitchen and three dining areas with enough room to serve 200. The facility includes photovoltaics, solar thermal, straw-bale construction, a living roof, graywater use for landscaping, and extensive use of recycled construction materials.

Results include LEED-NC Gold [pdf], 50% reduction in energy consumption and 30% reduction in water consumption.

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Posted in 2700 Greywater, 4200 Recycling, 7100 LEED, Construction, Dining Hall, LEED-Gold, Photovoltaic, Solar Thermalwith No Comments →

Megenity, Mercury Cafe (Denver, CO)01.13.08

Far out on the edge of sustainability in food service, we find a place in Denver, Colorado. Featuring a living wall, greywater recycling, two wind turbines, no air conditioning, 99% organic, 80% local food sourcing, Marilyn Megenity at the Mercury Café is pushing hard on the sustainability front, with a specific goal of being completely off-grid.

More on the Mercury Café at the BBC, the Denver Post, and Greenprint Denver.

Posted in 2700 Greywater, 3000 Energy, Air Conditioning, Local, Organic, People, Restaurants, Windwith No Comments →

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